5 Best Places to Find Free Stock Photos
Photos are undoubtedly an important element of a good website. Images are a “staple” in website design because 65% of the people visiting your site are visual learners (true statistics), and everybody is a sucker for good photos. As they say, “A picture paints a thousand words” hence these babies can save you good deal of explaining whether you are showcasing a product, a service, or whatever it is that your website is supposed to do.
So, how do we get good, quality photos – not just any photo, not just anything that pops-up from Google – but good, quality photos? You need something that will boost your website, something that will make it stellar.
You have three options:
First, grab a decent camera and take the photos yourself. Do it old school! This is good if you have the time, the gadget, and the skills.
Second, buy the images. You can either buy from stock image sites or purchase them directly from the photographer. This is not an economically-wise choice, though.
Third, you can benefit the wide open world of the Internet. That’s my thing, and that will be my focus here. But, just a side note: don’t think at all that this is too easy. Finding your preferred photo in good quality is almost impossible. If you happen to pounce on one, you might find yourself having photos that are too popular that they’re sure to appear on too many websites. But to save you from biting on those bad potatoes, I’ll lay down five of my trusted Free Stock Photo sites that will give you the good, quality, and almost-custom-made photos we’re after.
#1 Unsplash
Unsplash is a feast-for-the-eyes database of stunning high-resolution, artistic photos you can buffet on! Do whatever you want with them because Unsplash gives you the right to do just that.
The photos on the site are submitted by random photographers worldwide. You might think that if it’s random, it doesn’t have quality, but you’ll be astounded by how these photographers play with their lights, angles, and lenses! It’s almost a collection of masterpieces – not one is worth throwing in the bin. And, oh, no need to log in or subscribe; just grab the ones you like!
#2 Im Free
What’s convivial about Im Free is that it offers more than just free stock photos. They have a portion on their website that helps beginners create their own start-up websites. They have available templates to those on the run and just want to have their website going. Quite convenient!
And, of course, they have mouth-watering photos in their collection. One word for the photos: vivid. If you want to play with colors, and make your website bursting with energy, this is the site for you! If your target photos fall under the categories of art & music, business, ambient (or background), nature, and people, then you’ve got a match! One caveat, though: Im Free allows you to use their photo stocks so long as you credit the photographer. That’s not much of a bomber, really. So, go ahead, see what’s in there for you!
#3 New Old Stock
Do you dig throwback? New Old Stock gives you the freedom to use vintage archived photos. A classically sweet find! They have these photos collected and available for your creative purposes. The photos are considered public documents, so you’ll not have to deal with copyright issues. Absolutely no hassle here!
I’ve seen a lot of industrial photos in this site. So, if you’re into that, this is definitely your place. There are also different categories like people, places, and mundane objects that are photographed to quality! Don’t be repelled by the “old” word in their name. You might think it’s all black and white or sepia-toned, but you are wrong – they feature colors. The great thing about these photos is it’s richness in art. The artistry and the skill are there. More than that, time became a factor and it’s a breath-taking masterpiece when time curates your images.
#4 Raumrot
It will be a sin not to mention Raumrot. This site nails it! Simply flabbergasting! The quality – the crisp, the texture, the energy, the angles, the adorned lighting, the vibrance, the virgin-beauty, and the high resolution – all the aspects of great photographs that you are looking for are there!
Not only that, Raumrot makes it easy to grab pictures! They have collected these to-die-for photos in categories to make it effortless for you. Free and fantastic? Man, I don’t know about you, but I’m up for that. No little tricks here, just photos from the heart! You will be dumb to dismiss this site. Yes, you will be dumb!
#5 Gratisography
In for the quirk and the funk? Gratisography is the ideal for the madcap taste!
Of course there are decent, conventional quality photos in there, but I think this site is all about the deviant edge. That’s what’s fun about it, so don’t take the fun away!
When I look at the photos collected here, one thing comes to mind: focus. These photos have high definition focus and really not just about your ordinary shots; it definitely connects viewers to subjects. That’s something! So, if you want something engaging, better hit this site! It’s free!
So there you have it – no games, no tricks, no fine prints – just my five top-picks for absolutely free and best photo stocks! Better start grabbing them photos and get moving! Last note: make it interesting or else my work here will be in vain!