When Audience Response Matters
There’s more to marketing than just putting your brand out there. It relies on the emotions of your target audience and their response to your brand. How you influence those emotions to your advantage is the dynamics of every marketing strategy.
Consumers are naturally emotional—they react and provide feedback when the situation calls for it. They rely on personal feelings and experiences rather than static information when making important brand decisions.
At the core of it all, it’s our responsibility as marketers to drive your target audience to action by reinforcing behaviors and emotions.
Reciprocity: Providing and Obtaining Equal Value
There’s this concept of equivalent exchange: To obtain something new, you need to provide something of equal value in return. When you provide your target audience with something of value, they are more likely to respond or “return the favor” in some ways.
In a marketing perspective, equivalent exchange applies when you provide valuable content that warrants the attention of your target audience. In turn, they are more inclined to share the information obtained from your content − whether through word of mouth or social media.
Persuasion: Creating the Urge to Take Action
As opposed to equivalent exchange, the art of persuasion focuses on one side of marketing: how to provide the motivation and urge for a response. This requires a deeper look at your target audience’s emotions and needs, so you could speak to them in a way that they would easily understand.
When you apply this to digital marketing, persuasion is the act of building rapport with consumers. To get to the heart of conversions, clicks or any response, a digital marketing strategy with a strong persuasive pull must involve thorough understanding of how consumers think.
Authority: Showing Who’s Boss
People always follow the voice of authority, whether it’s their CEO, their favorite author, or even a talk show host (think of Oprah Winfrey and her loyal followers). When consumers view someone as authoritative, they are more likely to trust the views of that person.
The same principle goes with marketing. Think about how Matt Cutts and John Mueller became the digital landscape’s most authoritative figures. By publishing case studies, participating in webinars, and launching infographics with credible statistics, your target audience will think of you as an expert on the subject matter.
Understanding how your target audience reacts or behaves can take your digital marketing efforts from good to effective. In the end, it’s all about the right positioning, messaging, and consumer profiling to trigger a favorable response from your audience.