Rank Higher, Faster: 10 Quick Wins to Increase SEO Success in 2023

Quick Wins to Increase SEO Success in 2023

Are you tired of waiting for your website’s search engine ranking to improve? Don’t worry, there’s a way to speed up the process and leave your competitors in the dust.

By following certain best practices, you and your partner digital marketing company can improve your website’s ranking over time, but implementing these easy SEO quick wins can give you a competitive advantage. These easy-to-execute SEO strategies are the perfect solution for anyone looking for a quick boost in website traffic and improved search engine visibility.

  1. Optimize pages

To improve your website’s SEO, optimizing your existing pages can yield significant results. Instead of creating new content, it is advisable to review and enhance your current pages. To do this, focus on on-page optimization by examining elements such as title tags, Alt tags, Meta descriptions, headers, internal anchor text, and body content. Utilizing Webmaster Tools and an SEO plugin like Yoast for WordPress users can make this process easier by providing recommendations and ensuring that you have covered the essential elements.

Ensure that your internal anchor text is relevant to the content on the page, helping Google crawlers understand what the page is about. Avoid using internal linking solely for the sake of doing so. Instead, make sure that the anchor text is relatable to the content on the page, making the crawler’s job easier.

  1. Enhance your website’s content

To achieve quick SEO gains through on-page optimization, it is essential to regularly review and improve your website’s content. Eliminating outdated or low-quality content can have a positive impact on traffic and rankings. Identify the content that needs to be removed by evaluating pages with minimal traffic. Additionally, it’s crucial to delete duplicate content, as Google may struggle to determine which page is most relevant to rank.

To identify and remove duplicate content, consider using SEMrush’s Site Audit Tool. When creating URLs for new content, use canonical tags or 301 redirects to enhance your website’s SEO.

  1. Improve content quality

It’s crucial to regularly enhance the quality of your content based on your visitors’ needs. Link building and quality content were the two primary factors that helped rank better on Google. Therefore, prioritizing content quality should be a top priority for achieving quick SEO wins. You can achieve this by refreshing old content, enhancing readability, increasing engagement, and adding more relevant content. Additionally, incorporating images, videos, and PDFs can make your content more engaging.

Start by prioritizing URLs that rank between five and 30 in the Google Search Console export data, then sort them by potential search volume and relevance. By comparing these URLs to your competitors, you can identify opportunities for improvement and enhance the quality of your content accordingly.

website content
  1. Refine your current keyword strategy

It’s worth optimizing existing keywords that your website already ranks for, rather than trying to rank for new ones. You can identify these keywords by analyzing the Search Traffic Search Analytics section of the Search Console, which provides detailed data on clicks, click-through rates, impressions, and average ranking position for each keyword.

According to IMPACT, around 50% of search queries consist of four or more words, but this can vary depending on the business. Based on this information, determine how you can improve your website’s search rankings. For example, if a keyword has a high impression but a low click-through rate, this suggests a need to optimize the title and meta descriptions to improve click-through rates.

  1. Find and fix your 404s

A 404 error is a status code that appears when a user attempts to access a page or resource that cannot be found on the server. This can be due to a variety of reasons such as a broken link, a typo in the URL, or a page that has been moved or deleted. Regardless of the reason, encountering a 404 error can be frustrating for users and negatively impact their experience on your website.

Moreover, a high number of 404 errors can lead to an increased bounce rate, indicating that users are leaving your website after encountering these errors. This can be detrimental to your website’s SEO performance as search engines consider bounce rate as a ranking factor. Therefore, it is crucial to fix 404 errors as soon as possible.

One effective way to address 404 errors is by using online tools such as Screaming Frog to crawl your website regularly. This tool identifies broken links and redirects the error pages to appropriate pages, ensuring that users don’t encounter 404 errors. Additionally, you can customize your 404 error page to improve the user experience by providing links to relevant pages or offering assistance in finding the desired content.

  1. Make your listing consistent across review sites

Did you know that consistent business listings can have a significant impact on your search engine rankings? With Google accounting for over 85% of all global desktop search traffic, it’s crucial to play by its rules.

Setting up your business on Google My Business can increase your chances of ranking above the first organic results. However, to improve your chances of being listed, you need to ensure that your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across the web.

Inconsistent listings can cause confusion for search engines, leading to a lower ranking and decreased visibility for your business. That’s why it’s essential to manually review your listings or use online tools like Moz Local to ensure consistency. Don’t let slight differences in your NAP hurt your SEO efforts. Take control of your business listings and see the positive impact on your search engine rankings.

google my business
  1. Create a mobile-friendly website

A fast and effective way to improve your website’s SEO is to ensure that it is mobile-friendly. With the majority of internet searches conducted on mobile devices, Google now favors mobile-optimized sites to provide users with a smoother browsing experience. In fact, at least 70% of web traffic comes from mobile phones and 80% of the top-ranked websites are mobile-friendly.

Since the introduction of two mobile-friendly algorithm updates in 2016, many websites have adopted mobile-friendly designs as part of their SEO strategy. To determine if your website meets Google’s mobile-friendly standards, take the Mobile-Friendly Test. If your website does not pass the test, consider redesigning it with a responsive layout to improve its mobile compatibility.

  1. Improve site speed

A fast-loading website not only improves user experience but also boosts your SEO ranking. Slow page and site speeds are detrimental to your website’s crawl budget and can result in a lower search engine ranking. In fact, Google uses site speed and indirectly page speed as one of its ranking factors. Even a one-second delay in page load time can impact user engagement negatively, resulting in a higher bounce rate and lower average time on the page.

Moreover, slow loading times can negatively impact your website’s indexation and conversions. If this is the case, make sure that your conversion rate optimization agency is aware and working on it. It’s crucial to regularly monitor your website’s performance and speed using Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. By doing so, you can quickly identify areas that need improvement and take the necessary steps to improve your website’s speed and overall performance.

  1. Reclaim site mentions

While link building is a long-term strategy, you can quickly improve your SEO by reclaiming existing site mentions. This involves fixing broken links and targeting brand mentions to earn more links. You can also always reach out to a reliable SEO agency to check out your links.

To fix broken links, you can use tools like Google Search Console to identify missing URLs and the pages they were linked from. Once you know the backlinks that point to the missing URL, you can create a 301 redirect to guide the link to the correct page on your website.

For targeting brand mentions, you can set up a Google Alert to monitor mentions of your brand online. If a mention does not include a link back to your website, you can reach out to the webmaster and request that they include one. Reclaiming site mentions can help improve your backlink profile and ultimately boost your SEO performance.

  1. Guest blogging

Guest blogging has become a popular strategy for bloggers to attract new audiences, and it’s also an effective way to enhance your website’s SEO. By writing a guest post on a reputable website, you can reach a wider audience and increase your credibility. This is because when you publish an article on a reputable site, you establish yourself as an authority in your field.

Additionally, guest blogging is an affordable way to improve your search engine rankings. Search engines tend to crawl reputable websites more frequently, so when your guest post is published, your website will likely receive higher traffic and domain/page authority. Therefore, it’s important to identify high-quality websites that are relevant to your niche and to create valuable and informative content that will engage readers and drive traffic to your site.

By implementing these top 10 ways to generate quick SEO wins, you’ll see an improvement in your website’s ranking in no time. While a comprehensive SEO strategy is always recommended, starting with some quick and easy wins can make a significant impact.

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If you’re ready to boost your organic search traffic with a customized SEO plan, let’s connect and take your website to the next level.

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