How to Improve the ROI of Your PPC Campaign


Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising stands as a tried-and-true method for driving traffic and conversions in the digital marketing mix. A Google study revealed that, on average, businesses earn $8 in profits for every $1 they invest in an ad.

So, whether you’re a small business owner or part of a larger marketing team, understanding the factors that impact PPC ROI campaign is crucial for optimizing your marketing budget and achieving your business goals.

But First, What is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

For the traditional marketing lead who might be stepping into digital strategies for the first time, you might be wondering, “What is PPC?” You might have heard of it or come across it online, but it’s essentially an online advertising strategy that delivers fast results at tiered costs determined by search algorithms and user experience. 

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, is an online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It involves purchasing website visits rather than acquiring them organically.

At least 63% of people have clicked on a Google Ad, according to HubSpot’s Annual State of Marketing Report.

The primary type of PPC advertising is found on search engines, such as Google and Bing. These online spaces are where advertisers bid and compete for the opportunity to showcase their ads, which is triggered every time users search for keywords related to their business.

For example, if a fitness equipment company bids $2 for the keyword “home gym,” their ad will appear in search results when users query “home gym.” When a user clicks on the ad and visits their website, the company is charged $2 for that click. This targeted approach allows businesses to drive traffic to their website and potentially convert visitors into customers, with costs directly tied to user engagement.

10 Factors Affecting the ROI of PPC Campaigns

Now, let’s delve into the ten critical factors that can significantly impact the ROI of your PPC campaigns.

1. Keyword Selection

Choosing the right keyword

A conversion rate optimization agency is careful with their choice of keywords as it greatly influences campaign success. High-relevance, long-tail keywords can result in higher conversion rates and better ROI.

For example, an online shoe retailer selects long-tail keywords like “women’s running shoes for flat feet,” instead of generic keywords like “shoes.” This specific choice attracts users looking for a particular product, resulting in higher conversion rates and improved ROI.

2. Ad Copy Quality

Well-crafted ad copy can increase click-through rates (CTR) and improve ad relevance, reducing your Cost Per Click (CPC) and improving ROI.

Imagine a fitness apparel brand that uses persuasive ad copy like “Elevate Your Workout Style: Shop Premium Activewear Now,” instead of generic messaging. This approach increases CTR, reduces CPC, and ultimately improves ROI by resonating with fitness enthusiasts seeking high-quality workout attire.

3. Landing Page Experience

An e-commerce store creates a landing page for a specific product with clear product images, detailed descriptions, and a straightforward checkout process. This seamless user experience leads to higher conversions and better ROI.

In short, a compelling, user-friendly landing page is essential. It should align with the ad’s message and provide a seamless path to conversion.

4. Quality Score

Search engines assign a quality score to your ads based on relevance and user experience. A higher quality score can lead to lower CPC and better ROI.

For example, a tech startup that focuses on optimizing ad relevance and landing page quality for their software product, as opposed to having a catch-all type of copy for an app that leads to a landing page that doesn’t exactly match the user’s intent.

By ensuring that the software solution ads appeal to the user’s search intent and that the tech brand’s website can deliver on its promise, improving your PPC ads’ quality score decreases advertising costs to add more room for your marketing budget.

5. Bid Strategy

Effective bidding strategies, such as manual or automated bidding, influence ad placement and cost. Experiment with bidding to find the optimal strategy. With manual bidding, you have a higher degree of control, but it also exposes you to more risks. Poorly managed manual bids can lead to overspending or missed opportunities if not adjusted in a timely manner.

On the other hand, automated bidding systems are generally designed to manage risk and optimize for specific goals, such as maximizing clicks or conversions within a defined budget. However, they may not always align perfectly with your business objectives and may require ongoing monitoring.

Bid strategy also influences where your ads appear on search engine result pages (SERPs). Higher bids can help your ads achieve better ad placement, often appearing at the top of the search results or on prominent positions on other websites in the display network. This prime ad placement increases your ad’s visibility and the likelihood of attracting clicks from your target audience. Conversely, a poorly executed bid strategy can result in lower ad positions, reducing your visibility and potential traffic.

6. Ad Extensions

Utilize ad extensions to provide additional information, like phone numbers or site links. This can boost CTR and ROI.

A local restaurant, for instance, uses ad extensions to display its menu, location, and click-to-call button. This additional information enhances CTR and boosts ROI by driving more foot traffic and phone reservations.

7. Ad Scheduling

Consider the timing of your ads. Running them during peak hours when your target audience is active can improve conversion rates and ROI.

An e-commerce store, for instance, runs PPC ads for its flash sales during specific hours when its target audience is most active. This strategic timing results in higher conversion rates and improved ROI during those time slots.

8. Geographic Targeting

A national chain of fitness centers, for example, focuses its PPC campaign on geographic targeting to show ads only to users within a 10-mile radius of its locations. This reduces wasted ad spend and increases ROI by reaching a local audience.

Precisely target regions where your potential customers are located to reduce wasted ad spend and improve ROI.

9. A/B Testing

Regularly experiment with various ad elements like headlines, visuals, and calls to action to discover which elements connect most effectively with your target audience and boost your return on investment.

For example, an online fashion retailer conducts A/B testing on its ad headlines. They discovered that “Limited-Time Sale: Up to 50% Off” performs better than “Shop Now.” The phrase “Limited-Time Sale” creates a sense of urgency, implying that the offer is only available for a short period. Mentioning specific discounts tend to be more compelling than vague offers like “Shop Now,” because they give customers a clear idea of the potential savings, making the offer more enticing.

The copy also communicates a clear benefit to the potential customers, which is saving money. People are often driven by value, and the promise of saving 50% on their purchase can be a strong motivator to click on the ad and make a purchase. This insight helps improve ad performance and ROI.

10. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Focus on improving your website’s conversion rate by optimizing forms, improving page load times, and enhancing the overall user experience.

An e-learning platform, for instance, optimizes its website by simplifying the registration process and adding progress-tracking features. These improvements increase the conversion rate of visitors to paid subscribers, resulting in a higher ROI for their PPC campaigns.

Understanding ROAS and ROI in Your PPC Campaigns

Google Analytics Set-up

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) and ROI (Return on Investment) are two important metrics used to measure the performance of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns, but they focus on different aspects of campaign profitability.

ROAS is primarily used to assess the effectiveness of your advertising efforts, such as a PPC campaign. It measures the revenue generated from your ads compared to the cost of running those ads.

The formula for calculating ROAS is:

ROAS = (Revenue from Ads / Cost of Ads) x 100%

ROAS is typically expressed as a percentage. For example, if you spend P1,000 on ads and generate P5,000 in revenue, your ROAS would be 500% (P5,000 / P1,000 x 100%). A higher ROAS indicates better performance, as you’re earning more revenue for every dollar spent on advertising.

ROI is a broader financial metric that considers the overall profitability of an investment, which not only includes advertising costs, but also other expenses and revenue generated.

When calculating the ROI of a PPC campaign, there are several important factors to consider, including the size of the agency or team managing the campaign.

A larger agency may have access to more resources, data, and specialists, which can lead to more effective campaign management. However, larger agencies may also have higher service fees. The expertise and experience of the agency’s staff will play a vital role in optimizing your campaign for maximum ROI.

If you have an in-house team managing your PPC campaigns, you have more direct control over the campaign’s strategies and execution. This can lead to cost efficiencies and better alignment with your business goals. However, you should consider the overhead costs of maintaining an in-house team, such as salaries, benefits, and training.

Working with freelance PPC specialists, meanwhile, can offer more flexibility and higher potential cost savings, as you can hire experts on a per-project basis. Freelancers often have specific skills and can provide a fresh perspective. However, the downside may be a lack of resources and expertise in areas outside their specialty.

The formula for calculating ROI is:

ROI = (Net Profit from Campaign / Cost of Campaign) x 100%

ROI, just like ROAS, is typically expressed as a percentage. A positive ROI indicates that the campaign is profitable, while a negative ROI suggests that it’s not generating a sufficient return to cover costs and make a profit.

In understanding the difference between ROAS and ROI, we can say that the former is a more specific metric that focuses solely on the advertising costs and the revenue generated from those ads when compared to the latter, which can be better used as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

ROAS is especially useful for optimizing ad campaigns and assessing their direct effectiveness in driving sales. ROI, on the other hand, provides a more comprehensive view of the campaign’s profitability, all associated costs, total revenue, and other relevant losses or gains considered.

To make informed decisions in your PPC campaign, you may use both ROAS and ROI in tandem. While a high ROAS is a good indicator of efficient ad spending, a positive ROI ensures that your entire business is profitable, taking all expenses into account.

Importance of Measuring PPC ROI

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) is an issue for many businesses pouring funds to support their digital marketing endeavors. Nearly half of businesses investing in digital marketing have no procedures, and if they do, they are not utilized properly.

ROI measurement gauges the success of your efforts and tells you which campaigns are working (and which are not), which platforms you are benefiting from, and where you need to increase investment.

Essentially, the significance of measuring PPC ROI is how it can influence budget optimization, allowing advertisers to allocate their advertising budget more effectively by focusing on campaigns and keywords that deliver a positive ROI. This ensures that resources are directed towards the most cost-effective strategies, optimizing the use of available funds. You can check PPC pricing metrics and some digital marketing metrics to track here.

Secondly, PPC ROI measurement facilitates performance assessment. It provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your ads, helping you gauge what’s working and what needs improvement. Armed with this data, advertisers can make informed, data-driven decisions to refine their ad campaigns and boost their overall performance.

Moreover, understanding ROI is crucial for profitability analysis. It allows businesses to determine whether their PPC efforts are contributing positively to their bottom line. By comparing the revenue generated from PPC campaigns to the advertising costs, companies can assess the true impact of their investments.

Lastly, knowing your ROI gives you a competitive advantage. Armed with insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns, you can fine-tune your advertising strategies to outperform competitors. This not only helps you maintain a strong market position but also makes your advertising endeavors more efficient and cost-effective, ultimately leading to a better return on investment.

Cost of PPC Ads

The cost of PPC ads varies significantly depending on factors like industry, keywords, and competition. Keywords with high search volumes and strong competition tend to have higher costs per click (CPC). It’s crucial to set a budget that aligns with your goals and ensures a positive ROI.

According to Wordstream, advertisers spend an average of P153 for each click on Search Ads, whereas the average cost per click for Display Ads is P36.

When compared to other sectors, eCommerce advertisers have the advantage of enjoying the most affordable CPCs when it comes to Search Ads. However, it’s worth noting that these clicks are not necessarily inexpensive, as the CPCs often correspond closely to the potential value of the transactions.

The three industries with the highest CPCs are as follows: P383 for legal, P363 for consumer services, and P216 for technology.

On the other hand, the three industries with the most budget-friendly CPCs include eCommerce (P66), advocacy (P81), and travel and hospitality (P87).

In an ideal situation, your goal is to lower your CPC.

Meanwhile, the conversion rate differs between industries. The typical conversion rate stands at 2.81% for Search Ads.

However, certain industries, such as Dating, achieve significantly higher conversion rates because they primarily focus on lead conversion.

The top three industries with the most impressive conversion rates are dating and personals (9.64%), legal (6.98%), and consumer services (6.64%).

The three industries with the least impressive conversion rates include advocacy (1.96%), real estate (2.47%), and home goods (2.70%).

A higher conversion rate is the goal. While the 2% average conversion rate is often mentioned, most eCommerce businesses currently convert around 0.5% to 2% of their website visitors into buyers.

Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads are an essential component of the Google Display Network (GDN), a collection of websites, some owned by Google and others that have partnered with Google to display targeted ads.

These ads come in various formats, including text, images, videos, and more. Their purpose is to capture the attention of users while they browse websites, read articles, or watch videos, and direct them to the advertiser’s landing page.

The average CTR for Google Display Ads stands at 0.46 percent. However, CTR can vary significantly across different industries.

The three industries with the highest CTR are as follows: 1.08% for real estate, 0.72% for dating, and 0.6% for auto.

The three industries with the lowest CTR include technology (0.39%), B2B (0.40%), travel and hospitality (0.47%).

These statistics highlight those certain industries, such as real estate and dating and personals, tend to have higher CTRs, possibly due to more engaging or personalized ad content.

On the other hand, the average CPC for Google Display Ads is approximately P36. However, this value can also vary significantly by industry.

The three industries with the highest CPC are as follows: P85 for dating, P49 for finance and insurance, and P46 for consumer services.

The industries with the lowest CPC are travel and hospitality (P25), e-commerce (P26), and education (P27).

Conversion Rates (CVR) in Google Display Ads

CVR measures the percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, after clicking on an ad.

The average CVR for Google Display Ads is 0.57 percent. It’s important to note that this rate tends to be lower compared to other ad types, like Search or Shopping Ads, primarily because the intent of users clicking on a Display Ad may not always be geared toward making an immediate purchase.

The three industries with the highest CVR are as follows: 3.34% for dating and personals, 1.84% for legal, and 1.57% for employment services.

The three industries with the lowest CVR include home goods (0. 43%), education (0.50%), and travel and hospitality (0.51%)

These statistics highlight that industries with a specific focus on consumer services or dating and personals tend to have higher CVRs, as these sectors often involve direct interactions or transactions with users.

How is ROI Calculated in PPC?

Understanding how to calculate ROI in a PPC campaign is essential for assessing the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts. The formula for calculating ROI in PPC is straightforward:

ROI = (Revenue – Cost) / Cost

In the above equation:

● Revenue represents the income generated from PPC-driven conversions.

● Cost refers to the total cost of your PPC campaign.

● A positive ROI indicates that your campaign is profitable, while a negative ROI suggests that your campaign costs exceed the revenue it generates.

To cite an example of PPC campaign success: Suppose you run a small online bookstore and decide to launch a PPC campaign to promote a new collection of best-selling books. You allocate a budget of P50,000 for your campaign.

Throughout the campaign, you monitor your sales and track the revenue generated directly from PPC-driven conversions. Let’s say your PPC campaign generates P150,000 in revenue from book sales.

Digital marketing specialist with a phone

Next, you calculate the total cost of your PPC campaign. This includes ad spend, any fees for campaign management tools, and any associated expenses. For this campaign, the total cost amounts to P40,000.

Now, you can use the ROI formula to calculate the return on investment:

ROI = (Revenue – Cost) / Cost

ROI = (P150,000 – P40,000) / P40,000

ROI = P110,000/ P40,000

ROI = 2.75

In this example, your ROI is 2.75. A positive ROI indicates that your PPC campaign was profitable. Specifically, for every peso spent on the campaign, you earned 2.75 in revenue. It’s a clear indicator that your PPC campaign was successful in terms of ROI.

Remember that a positive ROI suggests a campaign’s profitability, while a negative ROI would mean that your campaign’s costs exceed the revenue generated.

Calculating ROI allows you to make data-driven decisions, optimize your marketing strategies, and allocate resources effectively in your PPC campaigns to maximize returns on your investment.

Best Practices to Maximize the ROI of PPC Campaigns

Remember that PPC advertising is dynamic, and ongoing adjustments and improvements are key to sustained success. To achieve the best return on investment (ROI) for your PPC campaigns, consider implementing these best practices:

1. Monitoring your campaign performance

Continuously monitor your campaigns and adjust as needed. This involves tracking metrics like CTR, conversion rates, and cost per conversion.

For instance, an e-commerce retailer noticed that their PPC campaign for summer clothing was underperforming compared to previous years due to shifting consumer preferences. By regularly monitoring the campaign, they identified the issue early and adjusted their targeting and ad creatives accordingly, leading to improved ROI.

 2. Conducting keyword research

Invest time in thorough keyword research to find the most relevant and cost-effective keywords. Keyword research allows you to identify long-tail keywords, which are more specific and less competitive than broad keywords. Targeting long-tail keywords can be cost-effective and result in higher conversion rates, as they often indicate a more specific user intent.

A real estate agency, for example, conducted keyword research and discovered that long-tail keywords like “3-bedroom apartments for rent in Taguig” had a lower cost per click and higher conversion rate compared to broad keywords. By focusing on these specific keywords, they optimized their PPC campaign and improved ROI.

 3. Enhancing ad copy

Craft compelling ad copy that aligns with user intent and drives action. An example of this is a software company that optimized its ad copy to highlight specific benefits such as “Seamless Integration and 24/7 Support” rather than generic features. This change resulted in higher CTR and more conversions.

 4. Optimizing landing pages

Optimizing your landing pages is like fine-tuning the engine of your online business. You are ensuring that your storefront is inviting, clean, and well-organized in the physical world.

When you optimize a landing page, you’re actively addressing the needs and expectations of your online audience. You’re creating a smoother pathway for visitors to engage with your content, products, or services, making it easier for them to click, buy, fill out a form, or download.

As a result, when you optimize your landing pages, you set the stage for increased conversions, reduced bounce rates, and a stronger ROI. Conversely, neglecting to optimize your landing pages is like leaving your storefront cluttered, dimly lit, and hard to navigate.

Poor website experiences, such as irrelevant landing pages that don’t deliver on a brand’s promise, can turn off some audiences. Visitors may quickly become frustrated and disheartened, much like shoppers turning away from a disorganized, unappealing physical store. This can translate to lost opportunities, as users abandon the website without taking any action. The conversions that could have occurred with well-optimized pages never materialize, leading to a drop in revenue and ROI.

 5. Prioritizing negative keywords

Use negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic and reduce costs.

A local bakery running PPC ads for wedding cakes identified that they were attracting clicks from users searching for “birthday cakes.” By adding “birthday” as a negative keyword to their campaign, they reduced ad spend on irrelevant clicks and increased ROI.

 6. Allocating budget

Digital Marketing Budget for Businesses

Allocate your budget strategically, emphasizing high-ROI campaigns.

A digital marketing agency managing campaigns for a client in the health and wellness industry found that their “weight loss supplements” campaign had the highest ROI. They adjusted their budget allocation to allocate more funds to this campaign, resulting in a substantial increase in overall ROI.

 7. Analyzing competitors

Keep an eye on your competitors and adapt your strategy accordingly.

An online electronics retailer noticed that a competitor was offering a special promotion on the same products they were advertising. In response, they adjusted their ad copy to highlight their own unique value propositions, such as faster shipping or a longer warranty. This proactive approach allowed them to maintain their market share and ROI.

Benefits of PPC For Your Business

When executed effectively, PPC can provide significant advantages to a business:

 1. Immediate Visibility

PPC campaigns have the power to deliver instant visibility for your business. Research indicates that PPC advertising can amplify brand recognition by a substantial 80 percent. They enable you to connect with your desired audience precisely when they’re actively searching for your products or services, leading to swift exposure and potential conversions.

Imagine you own a local pizzeria, and you want to attract more customers during lunchtime.

By running a PPC campaign with targeted keywords like “best pizza near me” or “lunchtime pizza delivery,” your ads can appear at the top of search results when hungry users in your area search for pizza. This immediate visibility can result in more orders and increased foot traffic to your restaurant.

 2. Measurable Results

PPC offers precise tracking and measurement. This means you can gain precise insights into how your advertising budget is allocated and what results it’s generating. With data-driven analytics, you can continually refine and optimize your campaigns for maximum efficiency.

 3. Control Over Budget

One of the standout features of PPC is the complete control it affords you over your advertising budget. This flexibility allows you to make real-time adjustments based on campaign performance. Whether you need to scale up during peak seasons or trim expenses during slower periods, PPC adapts to your needs.

 4. Highly Targeted

PPC provides the capability to finely target your audience. You can specify demographics, locations, and even device preferences, ensuring that your ads are displayed to the most relevant and receptive viewers. This precision enhances the likelihood of driving conversions and achieving your marketing objectives. An automotive dealership can use PPC to target specific demographics.

For instance, if you’re promoting a new line of electric vehicles, you can create ads tailored to users interested in eco-friendly transportation. By specifying age, location, and interests in their targeting settings, you can ensure your ads reach environmentally conscious consumers who are more likely to convert.

 5. Flexible Campaigns

PPC campaigns can be easily modified to adapt to changing market conditions or promotions, or evolving business strategies. This agility ensures that your advertising efforts remain aligned with your business goals.

The Significance of Measuring ROI for Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Now that we’ve established the significance of measuring ROI for PPC, let’s take a deeper dive into its importance within the context of your overall digital marketing campaign.

To go about measuring ROI, you should first have a set of ROI goals. Some examples include an increase in purchases, an increase in followers on a social media platform, and leads. These goals are measurable once a value is assigned to them.

However, according to Bernard San Juan III, Truelogic Inc.’s Managing Partner, there is no fixed formula for digital marketing goal setting.

San Juan mentions that a business’s key performance indicators (KPIs) vary based on which part of the customer journey the brand is trying to influence.

Some top-funnel metrics include brand searches, search impressions, keyword rankings, and traffic. Mid-funnel metrics include repeat visitors and social engagement (e.g., likes, follows, community participation). Meanwhile, bottom-funnel metrics include subscribers, calls, inquiries, appointments, bookings, sales, cross-purchases, and cart recoveries.

“Although for SEO, the expectation is generally between 12x revenue to 21x revenue versus spend,” he explains. “Of course, the greater the margin of a sale, the less that multiplier has to be, and the smaller the margin, the greater the multiplier.” For example, if your investment is P10,000, your revenue should hit at least P120,000 to P210,000.

San Juan adds that monitoring ROI – despite sometimes being incredibly challenging to track –  is important because “it’s the profits that pay for the marketing spend.” He adds: “I believe every business, at minimum, wants to break even or turn a profit from their marketing because it’s an investment activity in the business.”

For your PPC ad campaigns, this means that measuring ROI is not just a matter of calculating numbers; it’s a fundamental strategy for achieving success. By establishing clear ROI goals aligned with your PPC objectives and adapting your KPIs to the different stages of the customer journey, you ensure that your advertising efforts are effective.

In the world of PPC, where each click and conversion carry a cost, you need to track your ROI meticulously. It’s not always straightforward, but it’s essential. Just as San Juan emphasized the importance of profits funding your marketing spend, the same applies to PPC advertising. Your ad budget should ideally yield a positive return on investment, where the revenue generated surpasses the amount spent on ads.

What are the Roadblocks to Proper ROI Tracking?

Properly tracking ROI in digital marketing can be a challenging endeavor for businesses – especially for the marketing leads and specialists seeking to measure the effectiveness of their online advertising and promotional campaigns. The roadblocks often stem from the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the digital landscape, where customer behavior, data sources, and marketing strategies continually evolve.

In this context, understanding the key obstacles to accurate ROI tracking is essential for businesses to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and maximize their return on marketing investments.

Let’s take a deeper look at these challenges:

Confusing Media Metrics for Digital Metrics

Some entrepreneurs underestimate the significance of ROI due to a lack of understanding of the value in terms of digital marketing. Meanwhile, others are more concerned with hitting a certain goal regardless of the cost (i.e., reaching a specific number of followers).

“The biggest misconception I encounter, especially for first-time digital marketing efforts, is confusing traditional media metrics for digital metrics,” San Juan shares. “I’ve both seen and been asked about what ‘CPM’ (cost per mil) of the campaign is. CPM is not a digital metric; it’s a media metric. I don’t think it’s as much a ‘misconception’ as it is a lack of understanding. Most businesses cannot tie the digital metric to the business goal and so they settle for the ‘doing’ versus the results,” he concludes.

Hard-To-Measure Values

Another issue is the vague nature of ROI factors. Some data points are not accurate in representing how effective your strategy is as they do not necessarily translate to your actual ROI.

Another is how much you’re spending on marketing. Apart from your marketer’s (assuming you have one) upfront fee, compute how much time is spent on administration and related factors that cost the business.

And then some effects can’t be measured, such as brand visibility and reputation.

Not Utilizing Tools

Another roadblock is a lack of tools, easily remedied by free and easy-to-use online tools. For instance, Google Search Console, when used properly, can make your site more “Google-friendly.”

Below are some useful options you can use to measure ROI:

Google Analytics

This tool tracks web performance in several ways. It obtains user data via page tags, which run in each visitor’s web browser, then sends information to one of Google’s data collection servers.

In addition to providing insights into web performance, Google Analytics offers a comprehensive guide on transitioning from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), ensuring that businesses can stay updated and utilize the latest features to track and analyze their online activities effectively. Here’s a guide on how to measure performance from UA to GA4 .

Popular metrics it offers are:

  • Users (unique or new visitors)
  • Bounce rate (percentage of those who looked at only one page)
  • Sessions (visitor interactions occurring within a 30-minute window)
  • Average session duration (how long each visitor stays)
  • Percentage of new sessions (rate of first-time visits)
  • Pages per session (average number of pages viewed per session)
  • Goal completions (number of times visitors performed the desired action)
  • Pageviews (total number of pages viewed)

Google Ads

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is a must-have tool for PPC advertisers. It offers granular insights into your ad performance, including click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and Quality Score. Additionally, it allows you to adjust campaigns in real-time based on these metrics.


This tool allows you to visualize user behavior through “heat maps,” which show where users are clicking and scrolling on the site. These also help see how they behave after a change is made. The tool also lets you see how behavior changes when using different devices. Recordings of user scrolling is also enabled so you can review where users spend the most time and where they spend the least. Hotjar provides the option for live feedback from users, and a question bank or templates for on-site surveys.


This software suite helps companies run digital marketing strategies, like SEO campaigns. It audits your on-page SEO, determines important keywords, and which keywords your competitors are using. Those with limited experience and knowledge in digital marketing will find this easy to use. SEMRush also has monthly and yearly packages on offer.


This provides tools for link building, keyword research, competitor analysis, rank tracking, and site audits. It is often used by small business owners, SEO agencies, and in-house marketers, among others. Like SEMRush, it offers monthly or yearly plans.

What’s The Bottom Line?

PPC ROI measurement is among the essential tools needed to monitor the effectiveness of your digital marketing scheme.

Tracking your ROI tells you if your efforts are impacting your brand positively. While ROI factors are sometimes hard to determine and even measure, certain parameters can be set to help you gain clearer and better visibility of your efforts, ultimately, allowing you to better form digital strategies down the line and better respond to the needs of your customers.

One call is all it takes to access our expert PPC management services.

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