Creating Email Marketing Campaigns


An email marketing campaign – crafted using a set of individual email messages – is geared towards achieving a specific goal. For brands, this may mean recruiting more members to their community, encouraging them to buy their product, download a catalog, sign up for a promo, or to spread awareness about a new feature or item. So, how does one develop a successful and engaging email marketing campaign, one that makes a real conversion? Find out here.

Why Utilize Email Marketing Campaign?

While social media has been the go-to for many companies, email marketing is also a great way to promote your business to potential customers. It is highly advantageous, because many people – from students to professionals – use email for work, school, and business, and to receive news updates from different brands they’re interested in. It’s an effective channel for establishing connections.

Take the following figures, for instance:

  • 86% of professionals still prioritize email communications.
  • 72% of customers prefer to use email as their primary communication tool for business.
  • The return of investment for email marketing is at 4200% or $42 per $1 spent.
  • Emails are 40% better for conversion.
  • 61% of members said they want to receive promotional emails every week.

With these in mind, how do you create an effective email campaign?

Things to Remember When Building a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

A successful campaign is one that reaches or exceeds your target/ objectives. Your objective can be anything from increasing the number of customers visiting your website to boosting sales of a particular product or service. Of course, goals need to be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

So, an “increase in sales” is not exactly a SMART goal as it is not measurable. Rather, consider setting it to “getting at least 100 purchases of product X in the next 3 months.”

Now, the question is, how do you run successful campaigns?

Below are some tips:

1. Think about your goal and leads

A campaign should reflect your goal. That means the content should not confuse the reader. If the goal is to increase sales, you need to highlight your product. If it’s to visit your site, you must send information that the members are interested in. It may sound simple enough, but one can easily get distracted by idea of “let’s add more.”

If you want to achieve several objectives simultaneously, consider drafting separate plans for each as usually each will require a different strategy. Classify users and segment them; this improves your chances of conversion and successfully achieving your goals.

2. Take time to craft the subject line and content

A good subject line ensures that members open the email. The quality of the content is also crucial to show that you’re a reliable and professional brand. Even a small typo can become a glaring mistake. Remember, too, that design matters.

Check each element of your campaign. For instance, broken images or links can negatively affect user experience.

3. Encourage engagement

As much as possible, send emails from a “personal” account. Members usually do not like “auto-reply” emails or those that do not allow them to reply.

If they know that the email came from a real person who can respond to their queries, they are more likely to engage.

4. Don’t forget about CTAs

The general rule about call-to-action is to make them as visible as possible. They must be clear, bold, and easily accessible. That means if the members click the CTA button, it must take them directly to the desired page. The fewer clicks it takes for them to complete the action, the better.

Also, do not put too many CTAs per email.

5. Timing is crucial

Timing doesn’t just refer to the time you send the email, it also refers to the period you run your campaigns. Thankfully, most email distribution platforms provide “best time to send” data based on your audience’s email engagement behavior. Take time to experiment.

6. And so is tracking or monitoring

Which of your campaigns performed well, meaning did it hit or exceed targets? What factors contributed to the success? Do you think it’s the design? The segmentation? Or the offer, in general?

The good news is that you can readily see such important information on the platform that handles your email marketing. Whatever the contributing factors are, it’s best to track and monitor them. Glean insights from the information and don’t forget to change strategy and AB test email messages.

Key Takeaways

Email campaigns are a great way to establish a relationship with your potential customers. They can also effectively leverage your business.

It’s true that marketing campaigns are a lot of work, but with the multitude of resources available online, you can learn its ins and outs in time. But to develop a plan that truly delivers and helps both your customers and brand get in touch with digital experts who are armed with the latest data and techniques to build a winning campaign.

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